Bands from iZipe

iZipe provides a list of great bands from all types of music genres. Find great rock bands, industrial bands, punk rock, hip hop, jazz groups, reggae bands, country stars and even pop music here. We aim to provide a wide range of new bands to fit all of our visitors tastes, so if you know of a great new band that we should list, please let us know. When possible, iZipe will provide links to the official band websites for band fans to follow.

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Avalon - Like the mystical isle of the same name, Avalon's songs guide her listeners to a celestial place of fairy visions and magic. Her original music is an intoxicating blend of traditional jazz, blues and hip hop with the ethereal lilt of melodies from the otherworld. Avalon's live performances are electrifying. Passion and energy transcend her songs and mesmerize her audience. Entranced, many rise to their feet and draw close to her, just as mortals through the centuries have quested for the Goddesses of Avalon.

Standard Deviation of Machine - Standard Deviation of Machine, SDOM, is a band with en ever evolving lineup to say the least. SDOM uses A.I. (artificial intelligence) musicians with artificial neural networks that learn to play music from human musicians, audience responses and pattern analysis of songs input into the training sessions of the AIs. These AI musicians accompany human musicians on stage to deliver an amazing show one will never forget.

SDOM covers topics such as neuroscience, futurism, physics, nanotechnology, robotics, genetics, psychology, atheism, religion, evolution and many other scientific topics. Their main goal is to spark an interest in science and debate. Often, SDOM allows an open mic to audience members, which also allows the AI musicians to incorporate the audience speeches into the songs to be played.